Did you know that you can be charged for changing the font of your number plate or for driving with a number plate which is too dirty to read properly? To discover a few rarely known driving rules, that individuals routinely get charged for breaking, simply continue reading to learn about a few driving rules, that you may not have heard of. As you may be able to prevent yourself from getting into a lot of trouble, over a simple mistake.
Different driving rules that you can get charged for:
The characters on your numberplate must follow specific regulations:
The characters which feature on your number plate must be exactly 79 mm tall. Furthermore, each letter except the letter “I” and the number 1 must be exactly 50 mm wide. The thickness of the black part of each of your characters must measure 14 mm and it’s compulsory to have a 11mm space between each number or letter which features on your number plate. So it’s an extremely wise idea to avoid ordering a number plate which features a fun, custom font. As there is a high likelihood that the font which you choose won’t abide by national number plate laws.
Patterned number plate backgrounds are illegal;
It’s also a smart idea to avoid ordering a custom number plate which boasts a fun, custom or patterned background. A plate which features a distinctive, eye-catching background may differentiate your number plate from a stock standard number plate, you may get into trouble with the law. As all patterned number plate backgrounds are prohibited by law.
The primary reason being, that patterned number plates make the characters on a number plate, far harder to make out. So it’s possible that individuals may choose to have patterned backgrounds for their number plates, to prevent the local law authorities from identifying their vehicle.
It’s illegal to drive with a dirty number plate:
It’s also highly illegal to drive around with a dirty number plate and you can be fined for accidentally driving around with a dirty number plate. So it’s important to regularly check the state of your number plate, to ensure that none of the characters are obscured. As examples, you may want to clean your number plate after driving on a dirt road or when it snows, in the middle of winter.
Your number plate must feature a white background and black characters:
While you may love the idea of having a number plate created which features a red font or a blue font, it’s actually illegal to drive a car with a coloured background. As according to the law, every vehicle must have a uniform number plate which features a plain white background and black characters. So it’s never a good idea to order a custom number plate which features a background which isn’t white or characters which aren’t black.
As you can get into a lot of trouble by driving with an illegal number plate, you’re far better off driving with a stock standard number plate, than trying to create a custom number plate which will stand out.